Last post September, eh? Yes, it's been a bit. New since:
Most recently-
Military holiday parties with all sorts of Desperate-Housewives-worthy drama, a hint above a scuntch above a tad over the possibility of going to war with North Korea over them shelling the living crap out of a civilian island "disagreeing with the military exercises happening," getting in the groove of teaching business English (which coincides with the end of posting... hm), sister and her hubs have gone back to US, general adjustment to Korea with a few minor freakouts (notably yesterday... after trying to Christmas-fy our abode with some technical difficulties).
Other things-
Got a cat, named her Dumpster Kitty or DK for short. Have started P90X OF DEATH exercise program as a competition with the hubs, brilliant of me. Started Korean/hangeul classes with vigor and have tapered off in attendance, going to being again in January all American-style resolutiouny. Considering going back to the US for work, and trying some sort of remote-in-between thing (and actually sending out feelers for jobs). Moving to Seoul in February if all goes as planned. Have consequentially stopped trying to decorate current home, with the exception of the overrun of Christmas joy.
Other things new year resolutiony- posting more often and more pithy/funny/not simply updatey.
Vocab of the day:
Korean: update = 갱신 (gaeng sin)
Military: BUB= Battle Update Briefing (I know this one is legit! I've heard it used)
5 years ago
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