Wednesday, December 5

Phone Fun vol. II

This is what a pretty typical Skype attempt looks like when you're talking to a servicemember in Afghanistan. I don't think we've yet had an uninterrupted conversation- the wind blows, it rains, one of our computers panic or hubs' neighbors all start Skyping or doing whatever causes the internet to crash. This particular conversation even started on another text chat site and went on for several more connections and disconnections- something like 13 mini-calls in all, and probably 30 minutes of actual conversation over the hour and a half of calling, dropping, waiting, calling again.

But in about a month, I'll just have to get used to having one conversation in person without interruptions. So ready.

Vocab of the day: 
Military: T&C= tracking and communication

1 comment:

  1. I do not miss Skyping to Afghanistan. Now, we text each other in the same house. Love is a beautiful thing! :)
