Wednesday, November 18

I see a theme emerging in the timestamps...

(*Written a bit ago but mysteriously never posted)

What with the school and work and working out, it seems that the one thing that shouldn't be a problem is sleeping. However, as an insomniac in the midst of great change sleep seems to be the one place where the script doesn't stick. While this frees up time to, say, start a blog, it also provides ample time for thinking about the thoughts that are pushed out of the brain during daylight hours on account of silliness or business or any of the other convenient -nesses that dispatch them while there's sun.

The primary issue at hand is that of identity and marriage. While I was raised an educated Midwestern gal, the strong conservatism didn't stick too hard to me. And I've come to realize that during college my delightful and wacky roommates managed to expose me to the wild beast of feminist thought. Now, no bra-burning or man-hating took place in our dorm room (at least any on record), three are now married and one in a relationship with the woman of her dreams. So what have we all done with these ideas of independent self and making our own way? I have yet to discover. And perhaps when I do, it will solve the mystery of what I'm supposed to do, balancing deep love for a wonderful friend and what seems an impending marital melding with the niche of identity I've thoughtfully carved in the last twenty-some years. Wish me luck.

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