Monday, November 23

Tik Tok

Ok, so while the lyrics are probably more appropriate for the atmosphere of the bachelorette party last night (holla ladies!), the sudden "holycrapitssundaynight" feeling I haven't been privy to since teaching just settled in.

This week is lots of papers, final projects, work, thesis writing, working out, eating well, sleeping?, cleaning/getting ready/running errands and most of it is scheduled down to the last few hours. Oh yeah, and that getting married thing. Breathe, Marsh, breathe. While the amazing massage gifted by Ben today has me in a much happier physical state than yesterday, I feel like the stopwatch in my head has started and only the final buzzer Saturday morning will turn it off. Tik tok...

*wrote and then didn't actually post it. I need to figure out why blogger is outsmarting me...

Tik Tok by Ke$ha lyrics


  1. Ooops, forgot my Korean and Army jargon of the day. That might have to wait and go digest form after the wedding.

  2. :) no matter what you do, the day you get married will probably be somewhat chaotic. Just remember, you probably won't have to deal with rain INSIDE coming down on the guests, or with slightly insane unstable bridesmaids locking themselves inside a bathroom crying and deciding to go to a concert the night before the wedding instead of hanging out and deciding the day of the wedding to drive acoss town to get their hair done or... (I could go on). Anyway, you will have a wonderful day no matter what, even if all those crazy things happen plus more! And, since the big family event isn't for a while, it should be much, much calmer :)
