You know what's weird? Cooking for one. I guess I used to do it, but it seems so much less crucial to plan or give food any forethought when I know it's just me I'm feeding. I'm pretty easy to please (as is hubs, for the record) but with another person I was more conscious about eating routines, nutrition needs, portions to allow for optimal leftovers. I officially just halved my intake (hopefully), leftover consumption and people who give a tiny rat's bum what we're... ech, what I'm eating.
Hubs made a video call from his temporary dorm room in Afghanistan over the weekend. It was weird, and finalistic (I know, I just made up that word but I like it) and way too easy in some odd way. I'd almost convinced myself he was on a short trip or something, but then suddenly he popped up on my screen and reality hit. We didn't have a ton to talk about, but after we disconnected I lost it for the first time in a while. As a visual learner, I guess seeing him away was what it took to really hit home that he's gone. Ick.
After snow and power outage and such I fled to a friend's house and have been camped out for the last 4 days. God bless her- it was partially for convenience when the power went out, but has been soooo incredibly good to be in the same space with a good friend during this last few days. Not looking forward to going back to the woods tomorrow, but after the interview I had today I'm hoping a move is imminent. Fingers crossed.
Vocab of the day:
Military: MRE= meal ready to eat
5 years ago