Tuesday, February 23

In progress...

Stats on the countdown:
  • St. Patty's Day dash in a bit over two weeks (in which I'll be wearing THESE beauties. Don't ask how much I've trained though...)
  • Thesis/classes done in 3 weeks
  • Hubby arrives in 4 weeks
  • Move to Korea on week 5
After that, I'm a great blank slate.

Jumping back, I have to relate the second great weekend with the hubs in which I had such tooth pain I cried through our Valentine's dinner at a classy establishment. Well, a root canal set me right and a few hundred bucks back, and surely between the food poisoning/car wreck weekend and root canal weekend, our next reunion and subsequent months should be karmic-ly cleared for sheer joy and perfection.

I also had an amazing, hilarious IHOP night tonight. A guy came in asking about his free pancakes (National Pancake Day = free pancakes! starting at 7 am) and when he was told it didn't start until tomorrow, he started a hilarious diatribe about how excited he'd been about the pancakes and how he'd made up a "Free Pancake Song" on the way over in the car. The poor server tried to work around it and point out how the fruit pancakes were great regardless. "But they're not FREE!" came the response.

Good thing I wore a hat so I could hide the fact I nearly burst out laughing.

The rest of life is absolutely nuts. I'm going to work on blogging more regularly (I actually do have a bit of a backlog of military/moving stories...), but suffice it to say that my 1:00 am trip to QFC on the way home yielded bubble bath, a 6 pack of apricot ale (mm, thanks Pyramid) and a 6 pack of Smirnoff Ice. Smirnoff Ice- I'm definitely in trouble.

Vocab of the day:
Korean: 밤 = night
Military: NAAR = night to air refueling

1 comment:

  1. Smirnoff Ice??? What are you, 21???

    Matt has been training for a St. Patty's run also, which I am very proud of him for. My ankle is still f'ed, so I can't get to the gym. Probably going to a Dr. after Spring Break next week (Miami here I come!).

    Luck has to change for your weekends with hubby. Though you are so close to being together all the time! I'm excited for you :)
