Wednesday, February 10

The Joys of Insomnia

Thesis draft due + insomnia= finishing my glass of wine and my work at 7:13 am.

I had the most amusing night at a coffe shop/IHOP (sequentially) which also seems to have stirred my productive vapors. Sitting on the balcony directly above the coffee grinder at Bauhaus made me think crazy thoughts like, "Can I find a coffee shop in Korea to sit and smell grinding beans?" After being booted at 1 am (sad change from the previous 2 am close), I moved to the ever-sketchy but so-much-fun 24-hour IHOP a few blocks away.

After trying unsuccessfully to diagnose the language spoken by the group of rambunctious men across from me, the most creatively dyed and tattooed group I've seen in a while came in and played NASCAR corners in the booth directly at the other end of the restaurant. A cute but silent older Hispanic couple sat across the divider next to me, and as I was finishing my draft up around 3:00, an agitated gent brought me a piece of paper with [10,000/hour seattle attorney] scrawled on it and asked me to google it for him (on the cleverly named "IHOP, yum!" wireless network). He told me at length about his pending case against National Insurance then wandered away without realizing that I still had earphones in listening to interviews, and the friendly server/host came to ask if "that man was bothering me."

Really, an epic way to spend your waking hours if they weren't meant to be waking and are usually far less entertaining. All topped off by the most ridiculous fog I think I've seen while driving home. So I cleverly took a few shots while driving (hey, there was nobody else on the road). 

I'm either going to sleep or run now... but later have some amazing stories about my first real trip onto a military post. Be very excited.

Vocab of the day:
Korean: 불면증 = insomnia
Military: PBS = project breakdown structure

1 comment:

  1. I feel ya. While I was sleeping last night while you were texting (my phone keeps me signed in all the time), I couldn't sleep on Monday and got up around 5 AM to do research and put together a legal brief. This was all while two passed out friends were in the living room on the air mattress (too much fun at our super bowl party) and hubby was sleeping next to me. But doesn't it feel so good to get stuff done???

    By the way, did you click the link I'm using this week as we continue to be snowed in? Clicky-Clicky.

    Annoyed because I will have had 12 days of not having to go anywhere by the time I have class again. Could have gone somewhere amazing and warm...
