Sunday, January 3

Post-holiday post

A close and brilliant friend in law school informed me over the break that I was slacking severely in blog posting, and if she has time to tell me this, it must be quite bad. So a few reflections from the break for your procrastination/browsing pleasure...

I'm resolving to write every day in 2010, either for my own eyes or here. We shall see what comes of that.

One thing that became very clear throughout the first married holiday is that marriage seems to flip a switch in parents' heads. Somehow in our one month engagement and quasi shotgun wedding, the hubs and I went from children to part of the married club. It was a series of small indicators that shaped this realization- fewer questions asked, more of the "us big people" tone and conversation. I don't think these things were done consciously (other than having a room together, thankfully), but a definite change hath settled over the families.

Well, tomorrow starts the first day of my last quarter. Only 10 weeks until classes will be done, thesis will be written/published, condo packed up (and perhaps bought), and flights will be arranged for Korea. Onward!

Vocab of the day:
Korean: Christmas= 크리스마스
Military: Close of business= COB

And a delightful "Best music of 2009" mashup:

1 comment:

  1. Hooray!! A new post AND I love that we are both celebrating the first day of our last semester today! I celebrated by spending $480 on books- how about you?

    Also, love the goal of writing something every day. Maybe I will take that on after the bar...
