Wednesday, January 27

A friend loves at all times, and a (sister) is born for adversity

Proverbs 17:17, proof that good friends are timeless, crucial and what get us through.

Quality friend time= 27.43
Confusion/chaos/frustration/suck= 0.5

Everything from sharing ridiculous youtube videos, trading job frustrations, wrestling with big issues or just sharing funny stories, consolation or support are the things that I already miss the most about moving. The amazing thing is that sometimes these people can be of entirely different histories, ideologies, nationalities, and personalities, but by just listening to each other the way ahead seems lighter. Friends can be family, spouses, frenemies or a random stranger on the bus who is willing to listen.

Kudos to those who are good to their friends and those who are kind to strangers.

Vocab of the day:
Korean: 친구 = friend
Military: IFF= Identification, Friend or Foe

1 comment:

  1. horray! i'm still feeling like lucille two, but it was so nice to chill with you last night!

    i very much like the quantification at the top of your post... it's like bridgit jones's diary: units of alochol = 2, cigarettes = 0, blocks of cheese = .5, meltdowns = 7.2 (progress!!!) ;-)

    love you!
